
Online, the number of visitors is still growing steadily on all our channels. We use a multichannel approach for both our business-to-bussiness platform Yex, as our consumer platform Discovered and that is bearing fruit. It all contributes to our goal: we want visitors to explore, taste and share our products on all channels.

Discovered online facts

Inspiration was the keyword for Discovered in 2020. And we did inspire a lot of a people, according to the growth of visitors on our website and social media channels, especially on Pinterest.


Yearly website visitors


 Facebook page likes


Monthly views on Pinterest


Instagram folowers

Yex online facts

For our B2B platform Yex, we focused on content and sharing. We created several blogposts with inside stories about our company and our Yexperts. These stories were well read and especially on LinkedIN, it helped us to gain 50% more followers.


Facebook page likes


LinkedIn followers


Yearly website visitors